Lecture 7: Point Estimates and Confidence Intervals

Materials from class on Thursday, May 14, 2020

Point Estimates and Confidence Intervals

Open the class introduction slides in a separate window: https://stats4neuro.netlify.app/slides/07_point_estimates_confidence_intervals#1

Remember, you can hit p to open up the preview mode and see the slides.


Please fill out the following survey and we will discuss the results during the next lecture. All responses will be anonymous.

  • Clearest Point: What was the most clear part of the lecture?
  • Muddiest Point: What was the most unclear part of the lecture to you?
  • Anything Else: Is there something you’d like me to know?


Muddiest Points

I think someone mentioned this during class, and I agree: in theory, stats always makes sense, but it would be great to see practical examples and work through problems together.

I’m still unclear when it is appropriate to use bootstrapping

why resampling is useful? just to correct CI for non-normal data?