
Here’s your roadmap for the quarter!

  • Readings are supplemental to each lecture session
  • Assignments are due by 11:59 PM on the day they are due
  • Class materials (slides, in-class activities, etc.) will be added on the day of class

Please note that this schedule is tentative. I want us to learn concepts, rather than have a lot of material.

Part 1: Image Processing Reading Assignment Class
March 31 Lecture 1: Introduction to R/Loading Images
April 2 Lab 1: Intro to RStudio/Loading Images
April 9 Notebook 1 Due
April 7 Lecture 2: Image Operations/Filtering Images
April 9 Lab 2: Image Operations/Filtering Images
April 16 Notebook 2 due
April 14 Lecture 3: Binarizing Images
April 16 Lab 3: Binarizing Image Lab
April 21 Lecture 4: Image Segmentation Part 1: Identifying Nuclei
April 23 Discussion: Microscopy Pitfalls
April 28 Notebook 3 Due
April 28 Lab 4: Image Segmentation Part 1
April 30 Lecture 5: Image Segmentation Part 2: Cell Bodies
May 3 Lab 5: Image Segmentation Part 2
Review Session
Part 2: Spatial Statistics Reading Assignment Class
May 12 **Lecture: Introduction to Metadata and Experimental Design
May 14 Lecture: Point Estimates and Confidence Intervals
May 19 Lecture: Hypothesis Testing
May 21 **Lab 7: Colocalization via Correlation
May 26 Lecture: Point Pattern Analysis
May 28 Lab: Point Pattern Analysis - CANCELLED
June 2 Lab 8: Pipelines and Exploring Features
June 4 Lab 9: Features, Dimension Reduction, and Clustering
June 9 Lecture: Machine Learning